DBID: 756
Systémové číslo: P24V00000044 Dle zákona: č. 134/2016 Sb.
Datum zahájení:
Nabídku podat do:
22.07.2024 12:00
Název, druh veřejné zakázky a popis předmětu
Název: Supplies of material for AMS MILEA
Druh veřejné zakázky: Dodávky
Stručný popis předmětu: The subject of the public procurement is the supply of material and spare parts for the AMS MILEA accelerator, which will take place continuously during the duration of the Contract.
For this contract, the contracting authority does not proceed in any of the types of tender procedure, and any references to individual institutes regulated in the PPA are only analogous and cannot be interpreted as voluntary submission of the contract to the procurement procedure regime according to the PPA.
Druh zadávacího řízení, předpokládaná hodnota
Druh řízení:
jednací řízení bez uveřejnění
Důvod použití jednacího řízení: For the awarding of the subject public procurement of a small scale, the prerequisites for the use of the negotiation procedure without publication are met, analogously according to the provisions of § 63 (3), letter b) PPA, since the subject of the public procurement can only be supplied by the above-mentioned supplier, due to the necessary compatibility with the existing AMS system and also the elimination of the incompatibility of the subject of performance with this equipment and unreasonable technical difficulties during implementation and operation in the case of procurement from another supplier. Therefore, the contracting authority conducts the tender with appropriate use of some rules for negotiations without publication.